HomeBlogGeneralMessage to Sri Lankans living abroad from Dr. P Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank.

Message to Sri Lankans living abroad from Dr. P Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank.

Apr 29, 2022

By Central Bank Sri Lanka

Dr. P Nandalal Weerasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank

Currently, Sri Lanka is facing social, economic, and financial distress creating hardships for its people due to the long-lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, global political imbalances, and macroeconomic imbalances in the country. Although the authorities are taking measures to address the above situation of the country, including taking steps to actively manage its debt obligations, finding immediate financial assistance from other nations, and progressing the discussions with the International Monetary Fund for a comprehensive program, the positive impacts of such measures will benefit the people only in the medium to long term. Therefore, urgent measures are needed to enhance the foreign reserve position of the country to meet its day-to-day essential imports including food, fuel, and medicine.

CurrencyBank NameBeneficiary Account NameBeneficiary Account NumberOther Information
USDDeutsche Bank
Trust Company
Americas, New
York, NY USA
Central Bank of Sri
Frankfurt Am Main
Central Bank of Sri
GBPBank of Ceylon
(UK) LTD, London,
Central Bank of Sri
88001249Sort Code: 40-50-

In this background, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) warmly welcomes the communications made by the Sri Lankans living abroad, expressing their willingness to support the motherland at this crucial juncture by donating much-needed foreign exchange to the foreign reserves of Sri Lanka.

The well-wishers may make foreign exchange transfers to the following accounts maintained at respective banks under the beneficial ownership of CBSL, and CBSL assures that such foreign currency donations will be utilized only for the purpose of importation of essentials such as food, fuel, and medicine.

Well-wishers are also requested to send an image of the payment confirmation to fdacc@cbsl.lk for reconciliation purposes, and any inquiries can be made through the same email address. Upon verification, each payment will be acknowledged by email.

In order to maintain the transparency of collection and utilization of such foreign currency resources, a Committee consisting of three members from CBSL has been appointed, and the Committee will publish the financial statements of the foreign currency funds received from the well-wishers into the said accounts on a quarterly basis via the official website of CBSL, while the receipt and utilization of funds of these accounts will be subject to periodic independent audit.

Note – The above replaces the message which was published in the CBSL website on 12.04.2022

Published Date:

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

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